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Welcome to Our Moon’s application portal!

Our Moon is an education NGO, registered as an international NGO in Zambia by the Ministry of Community Development (RNGO: 101/0688/17). We work with brilliant students from vulnerable homes and help them become changemakers. We do this by giving you access to education opportunities both on our programme and by preparing you for university.


Our Moon is an education NGO, registered as an international NGO in Zambia by the Ministry of Community Development. We unleash the potential in Zambia's young people so they leave with the skills, knowledge and dispositions to thrive in university and can contribute to positive social change in their communities, country and continent. 


Our Moon is run by Justin Mushitu in Zambia and his team which includes tutors for the community service programme, SATs, English, philosophy and coding/graphic design. In addition, we have a chef who cooks healthy and varied meals for everyone and various other staff members who clean and maintain our site and ensure the space is safe. It is an important part of our programme that all Our Moon staff and students are treated with respect and that each person has time to develop new skills.

Students are mentored by teachers from Ecolint, a school based in Switzerland, for their research essays. Helen Leale-Green, our UK based CEO, is responsible for the careers and university guidance part of the programme which she carries out partially on-site and partially online, with support from the Zambian tutors.


Our Moon acquired some land from the Chief in 2019. It is in a beautiful area of Chibombo, in Zambia's Central Province, and is blessed with wonderful large skies. All the students who have visited us on both long-term and short-term programmes say that it is very conducive to study here.

We have built numerous structures and started developing the land. Building work is still ongoing when funding allows.

We have installed a few solar panels and have a bore hole with a solar pump. We are, therefore, self-sufficient in terms of water and electricity, but at the same time, a little restricted as supply can depend on the weather.

The site is basic but comfortable. We have a house parent who is responsible for the welfare of the students when on site.


Young Leaders Programme